German University in Cairo
ARAtronics Lab.
School of Engineering and Material Science
(Applied-Science & Robotics Laboratory for Applied-Mechatronics)
Reserch Group
Amir R. Ali , Abadir Hany Bahgat Reyad,“ EMG Signals Filtering and Pattern Recognition”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2019)
Amir R. Ali , Mostafa Mahmoud Ahmed Abdelkader Zahran, “Control a dry powder inhaler formulation delivery using an optical readout signals”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2019)
Amir R. Ali , Said Hassan Said Ali Mohamed Soudan, “Trajectory tracking control of the dry powder inhaler formulation delivery based on optical sensors ”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2019)
Amir R. Ali , Mostafa Abdelmotelb Lotfy Abdelmotelb Abdelmgeed, “Pressure measurements using optical bio-photonic probe for medical robots applications”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2019)
Amir R. Ali , Sherif Muhammad, “Flexible optical sensors used in robotics feedback applications”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2019)
Amir R. Ali , Abdelhameed Mubarak, “EMG Controlled Smart Prosthetic Arm”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2019)
Amir R. Ali , Ramy Mahmoud,“ Control Design and Simulation for a smart inhaler to help asthma sufferers breathe easier”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2019)
Amir R. Ali , Moustafa Mahmoud, “Design and control one leg of the quadruped robot”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2019)
Amir R. Ali , Mohamed Hady,“ Angular velocity measurements using on optical cavity for humanoid robots ”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2019)
Amir R. Ali , Omar Hesham Metwally, “Design and control of a low-cost cancer cells (Cytometer) monitoring sensor using micro-optical resonator”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2019)
Amir R. Ali , Abdelrahman Mageed,“ Micro-optical sensors for medical applications”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2019)
Amir R. Ali , Hussen Hatem,“ Development of industrial automation in manufacturing for production lines”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2019)
Amir R. Ali , Yasmine Medhat,“ New technique for inertial sensing using optical resonators in robotics”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2019)
Amir R. Ali , Ahmed Mahmoud Abuali,“ DESIGN & FABRICATE AN ACTIVE PROSTHETIC LIMB FOR A QUADRUPED ANIMAL​”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2018)
Amir R. Ali , Ahmed Mohamed Saad, “CONTROL A ROBOTIC ARM for HUMAN ANATOMY”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2018)
Amir R. Ali , Ahmed Adel Sabet Mohamed,“Trajectory Tracking Control for the KUKA robot ”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2018)
Amir R. Ali , Ahmed Emad Sayed, “Trajectory Control of PUMA Robot”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2018)
Amir R. Ali , Amr Hisham Hassan,“Design a robotic arm with your mind to play a game ”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2018)
Amir R. Ali , Mohamed Mohamed Anees, “Control Rubik’s cube Solving Robot”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2018)
Amir R. Ali , Mohamed Ashraf Othman,“ SPHERE ROBOT FOR THE FACIAL EXPRESSION DETECTION (IMAGE PROCESSING AND SOUND PROCESSING)”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2018)
Amir R. Ali , David Ebrahim Assad, “Artificial Skin for Bionic Robotic Arm Using Smart Optical Sensors ”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2018)
Amir R. Ali , Engy Abdou Kassem,“ CONTROL A ROBOTIC ARM USING BRAIN SIGNAL (EEG) TO PLAY A GAME ”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2018)
Amir R. Ali , Karim Ihab Salah,“Control for the SCARA robot trajectory tracking”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2018)
Amir R. Ali , Mahmoud Alaa Selim,“ Control System Design of Quadcopter ”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2018)
Amir R. Ali , Mahmoud Mohamed Mahmoud,“ Wirelessly Control a Cyborg Cockroach for Neurophotonics application”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2018)
Amir R. Ali , Mostafa Amgad Gohar,“ Design and Optimal Control of a Quadcopter Helicopter ”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2018)
Amir R. Ali , Shady Makram Ramzy, “Effect of Nano Particles Aggregation on the Magnetic field Optical Sensor Used in the Neurophotonics Application ”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2018)
Amir R. Ali , Ziad Ashraf Hussine,“ Control a Wearable Glove for Parkinson’s Tremor ”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2018)

Amir R. Ali , Emad Elia,“ Modeling and Control for Industrial PUMA Manipulator: (Flexible Links and Flexible Joints)”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2017)
Amir R. Ali , Mahmoud Eldeeb, “Gyro-sphere robot for navigation dangerous terrain”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2017)
Amir R. Ali , Omar El-Farouk,“A wearable haptic interface for grasping in virtual reality and in tel-surgery operations”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2017)
Amir R. Ali , Mohamed Abdelhamid, “Six DOF Stewart platform motion simulators”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2017)
Amir R. Ali , Khaled Elewa,“3D plotter based on dual-arm SCARA robot”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2017)
Amir R. Ali , Dalia Mahfouz, “Self-balancing stick- dual axis reaction wheel inverted pendulum and its application”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2017)
Amir R. Ali , Sarah El-Safty,“ Development of non-invasive brain-machine interface to control robotic hand in reatl-time”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2017)
Amir R. Ali , Yehia Ibrahim, “Paralyzed human moves kuka robot with mind”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2017)
Amir R. Ali , Mohamed Oraby,“ Composite control for the Inertially Actuated Baton Locomotor”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2017)
Amir R. Ali , Mohamed Elkhouly,“Autonomous Rubik’s Cube Solving Robot”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2017)
Amir R. Ali , Mahmoud Nasser,“ Dynamic Wearable Glove for Parkinson’s Tremor Suppression”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2017)
Amir R. Ali , Karim Mostafa,“ Modeling and Control for Delta Robot”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2017)

Amir R. Ali , Abanoub Abdelmalak ,“Communication Between Prosthetic Limbs and Peripheral Nerves of the Brain: Pressure Sensing”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Abdelrahman Fekry, “High Resolution Optical Sensors for Biomedical Application: Cancer Cell Detection”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Abdelrahman Elbarshoumy , “Design and Fabricate a Multi task Brain-Prosthetic Limb”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Abram Megalli , “Brain EEG Signal Processing for Controlling a Robotic Arm”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Adham Elsafty , “Control of a Robotic Arm through EEG”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Ahmad Montaser , “Artificial Muscle for Bionic Robot Arm”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Ahmed El-demerdash ,“Modeling and Simulation a Micro-Robot in VIVO for Intraneural Pressure Measurements of the Muscles”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Ahmed Elshrief , “Design a High Resolution Angular Position Optical Sensor to Control a Rigid Link Robot Arm Manipulator”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Ahmed Abozead ,“Design and Control a Portable Module for the WGM Optical Sensors with Laser Temperature Controller”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Ahmed Elsheikh ,“Design and control a Michelson Interferometer for Bio-medical Applications”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Ahmed Ibrahim ,“Locomotion study of a Robotic Exoskeleton for Gait Rehabilitation”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Ahmed Hamam ,“Design and Control a Portable Module for the WGM Optical Sensors with Laser Current Controller”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Ahmed Salah ,“Control and Design a 3D Printer”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Ahmed Samir ,“High Resolution Optical Sensors for Aerodynamics Measurements Application: Wall Shear Stress”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Ahmed Fouda ,“Laser Temperature Control for the Optical Sensors used in the Mechatronics Applications”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Ali Bahaaeldin ,“Control a Master Robotic Arm Using Pneumatic Haptic Interface for Telesurgery Operations”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Ali Ekrema, “Autonomous Methodology to Control the Sensing Element used in Mechatronics Applications”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Amr Abousetta,“CAD Software Programming for a 3D Printer”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Amr Gendy,“Control Algorithm of a Robotic Exoskeleton for Gait Rehabilitation”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Anas Khalifa,“Design and Manufacturing a Bionic Robot Arm”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Andrew Wahba, “Design and Control a Bio-optical sensor for Balance Disorders Patients in one dimension”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Andrew Habib ,“Design a High Resolution Angular Position Optical Sensor to Control a Flexible Joint Robot Arm Manipulator”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Andrew Mosaad,“Design and Control a Bio-optical sensor for Balance Disorders Patients in two dimension”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Asmaa Elsayed,“Vibration Control of Dynamic Magnetorheological Damper for Orthotic Tremor Suppression”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Asser Ali,“Control a Micro-Robot in VIVO for Intraneural Pressure Measurements of the Muscles”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Eslam Katary, “Sensing Development for Brain-Prosthetic Limb Interface”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , George Guindy, “Artificial Skin for Bionic Robot Arm”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Hazem Taha,“Real-Time using FPGA for Data Tracking Algorithm for Bionic Robot Arm”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Ibrahim Ezzat, “Automated Data Tracking Algorithm for Bionic Robot Arm”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Kareem Ehab,“A Novel Technique for a Micro-Optical Actuator Used in Opto-Mechatronics Applications”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Khaled Fathy,“Enhancement the Electric Field Sensor Used in Brain-Prosthetic Limb Interface”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Khaled Nader,“Impulsive and Inertial Actuation Methods Applied to a Baton Locomotion Robot”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Mahmoud Elshall,“Design and Fabricate a Wind Tunnel Module using Optical Sensors for a Wall Shear Stress Measurements” , B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Mamdouh Abuborda,“Control the Opto-mechatronics Setup for the Sensor in the Mechatronics Applications” , B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Marina Hani,“Control Motorized Rotational-Translation Stages in 3D axis to Manipulate Sensors Handling with Digital Interface controller” , B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Marwan Ali,“Design and Fabricate an Autonomous Self-Reconfigurable Locomotive Robot” , B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Michel Helmy,“Design and Fabricate a Flexible Joint Robot Arm Manipulator with Controller Interface” , B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Moataz Khaled,“Control Algorithm for the Brain-Controlled Prosthetic Limb” , B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Mohamed Zahran,“Design and Implementation of a Baton Robot with Double-Action Inertial Actuation” , B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Mohamed Elsahy,“Manufacturing Techniques for High-Resolution Sensing Element used in Mechatronics Applications” , B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Mohamed Sadek, “Vibration Control for Portable Optical Table Platform used in Mechatronics Applications” , B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Mohamed Hicham,“Modeling of a Baton Robot with Double-Action Inertial Actuation” , B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Mohamed Akid,“Control Algorithm of a Flexible Link Robot Arm Manipulator Using a High Resolution Micro-Optical Sensors” , B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Mohamed El-zahaby, “Modeling and Simulation of a Robotic Exoskeleton for Gait Rehabilitation” , B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Mohamed Afifi,“Data Tracking using DAQ for Data Tracking Algorithm for Bionic Robot Arm” , B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Mohamed Elmeligy, “Pneumatic Control for an Optical Table Platform used in Mechatronics Applications” , B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Mohannad Sorour, “Design and Fabricate a Robotic Arm through EEG” , B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Mostafa Hassan, “High Resolution Micro-Optical Smelling Sensors for Mechatronics Applications” , B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Noureldin Ali, “Control of a Baton Robot with Double-Action Inertial Actuation” , B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Omar Emam, “Trajectory Tracking Control for Optical Tweezer for in the drug Delivery Applications” , B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Omar Morsy,“Control Motorized Linear-Translation Stages in 3D axis to Manipulate Sensors Handling with Digital Interface controller” , B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Omar Elhamshary,“Vibration Control for Stationary Optical Table Platform used in Mechatronics Applications” , B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Omar Sayed, “Control an Autonomous Self-Reconfigurable Locomotive Robot” , B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Omar Farrakha, “Design and control a Fabry-Perot Interferometer for Mechatronics Sensing Applications” , B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Omar Ibrahim, “High Resolution Magnetic Field Optical Sensor Used in Magnetic Ultra Long Wave therapy” , B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Omar Morsy, “Design a High Resolution Angular Position Optical Sensor to Control a Rigid Link Robot Arm Manipulator” , B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Peter AtaAlaah, “Communication Between Prosthetic Limbs and Peripheral Nerves of the Brain: Temperature Sensing” , B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Sala Elmaghraby, “Control a Slave KUKA Robot Arm Used for Telesurgery Operations” , B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Saied Abdelaziz,“Manufacturing Techniques for High-Bandwidth Sensing Element used in Mechatronics Applications” , B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Ahmed Fathy,“Design and Fabrication for Rotational-Translational Stages in 3D axis to Manipulate Sensors Handling with Digital Interface controller” , B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Ahmed Yasser, “Vibration Design and fabrication for Portable Optical Table Platform used in Mechatronics Applications” , B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Ayah Ezzat, “Design and Fabricate a Master Robotic Arm Using Pneumatic Haptic Interface for Telesurgery Operations” , B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Jaylan Hannoura, “Design and Fabricate of a Robotic Exoskeleton for Gait Rehabilitation” , B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Lobna Abdel-zahir, “Design and Fabricate a Small-Scale Magnetorheological Damper for Tremor Suppression” , B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Mohamed Emad, “Design and Fabricate a Slave KUKA Robot Arm Used for Telesurgery Operations” , B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Mostafa Ahmed, “Design and Fabrication for Linear-Translation Stages in 3D axis to Manipulate Sensors Handling with Digital Interface controller” , B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Omar Ashraf, “Vibration Design and fabrication for Stationary Optical Table Platform used in Mechatronics Applications” , B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Phelopateer Gendy, “Design and Fabricate an Optical Tweezer for Biomedical Applications” , B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)

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