German University in Cairo
ARAtronics Lab.
School of Engineering and Material Science
(Applied-Science & Robotics Laboratory for Applied-Mechatronics)
Reserch Group
Research Topics
​ARAtronics lab is serving the GUC PhD & students. It serves, as well, the bachelor students of Mechatronics, Material students, and Electronics to conduct their bachelor projects in Egypt and in Germany. The research vision of the laboratory is dedicated to the development of novel micro sensors and actuators for nano-scale measurement and control. It aims to develop a feasible solutions for Mechatronics applications in research and industry. The research in ARAtronics interests are centered on three foci:
Micro-optical Sensors Technology
Biomedical Instrumentation and Robotics
Neuroscience and Electrophysiology

We are dedicated to the development of novel micro-sensors for nano-scale measurement. Most of the research projects use “whispering gallery mode” (WGM) resonators for ultra-sensitive measurements with high resolution in time and space. The dielectric resonators used are high optical quality polymeric spheres. The measurement principle is based on the detection of extremely small sphere deformations by monitoring the corresponding optical mode (WGM) shifts. Several photonic sensors have been developed and demonstrated in the ARAtronics Lab including force, strain, wall shear stress, temperature, and pressure. Recent work has focused on the development of a micro-photonic seismometer as well as electric and magnetic field sensors. Because of the extreme sensitivity of the microsphere WGM to external conditions, a wide range of applications exist ranging from medicine to industry.
We recently demonstrated the feasibility of micro-optical sensors as solution for bio-medical sensing devices. This research was done at ARAtronics Lab at GUC.
Keywords: Opto-mechanical systems for sensing applications; Opto-mechatronics systems design and analysis; Micro-optical sensors technology; Biomedical sensing devices.

WGM microresonator
The coupled light circumnavigates the internal surface of the resonator through multiple internal reflections. As the laser is tuned across a range of wavelengths, the WGM are seen as sharp dips in the transmission spectrum. This research was done at ARAtronics Lab at GUC.

Optical Resonance (Coupling Process)
In this video, the tangentially coupled light into the sphere circles the interior of the sphere through multiples of total internal reflection and returns in phase. At resonance, light experiences constructive interference in the sphere which is observed as dips in the transmission spectrum through the optical fiber.

Electrtrostriction Force

WGM shifts tracker
The external electric field imposes an electrtrostriction force on the dielectric sphere, deflecting it. This force, in turn compresses the sphere causing a shift in its WGM.
By monitoring the WGM shifts, any perturbation in the environment surrounding the resonator can be determined due to the very high optical Q-factors.

Amir R. Ali
(Director & PI)

Mohamed Ashraf
(PhD Student)

Haidi Haytham
(MSc Student)

Yasmin Mohamed
(PhD Student)

Ahmed Monier
(MSc Student)

Abdelkrim saleh
(MSc Graduate '18)

Andrew Gatherer
(BSc Graduate' 18)

Shaza Sameh
(MSc Graduate '17)

Ahmed Abozead
(BSc Graduate' 17)

Hazem Taha
(BSc Graduate' 17)

Amr Nader
(MSc Graduate' 16)
Year 2018
Abdelkarim Saleh and Amir R. Ali “Magnetic Field Whispering-Gallery Modes Sensors for Biomedical Tech.: Development trends and Applications”, Lambert, ISBN: 978-613-9-83852-3, Düsseldorf, Germany, (2018)
Amir R. Ali, Mohamed A. Kamel “Novel design of electrical sensing interface for prosthetic limbs using optical micro cavities”, AIP Conference Proceedings 1956, 020002 (2018)
Amir R. Ali, Haidi H. Badawi“Opto-mechanical frequency analyzer using polymeric optical resonators”, SPIE Photonics Europe, April 22nd -26th, Strasbourg, France, (2018).
Amir R. Ali, Ahmad M. Monier “Fabrication techniques for micro-optical hollow resonator used in high-bandwidth sensing applications”, SPIE Photonics Europe, April 22nd -26th, Strasbourg, France, (2018).
Amir R. Ali, Mohamed A. Kamel, Momen Aloghary “Angular orientation effects on electric field optical sensor”, SPIE Photonics Europe, April 22nd -26th, Strasbourg, France, (2018).
Amir R. Ali, Abdelkarim Saleh“High-resolution magnetic field biosensor based on optical resonators”, SPIE Photonics Europe, April 22nd -26th, Strasbourg, France, (2018).
Amir R. Ali, Amal S. Tourky, Roushdy A. Ali “Optical flocculation technique based on optogenetic and whispering gallery modes for drinking water purification”, SPIE Photonics Europe, April 22nd -26th, Strasbourg, France, (2018).
Amir R. Ali, Amal S. Tourky, Roushdy A. Ali “Effect of Dangling Bonds on De-Poling Time for Polymeric Electric Field Optical Sensors”, Chemosensors, 6(1), 3 (2018).
Year 2017
Amir R. Ali, Catherine M. Elias “Ultra-Sensitive Optical Resonator for Organic Solvents Detection Based on Whispering Gallery Modes”, Chemosensors, 5(2), 19 (2017).
Amir R. Ali “Development of Whispering Gallery Mode Polymeric Micro-optical Sensors to Detect Chemical Impurities in Water Environment”, Scientific Pages Photonics Opt 1(1):7-15, (2017).
Amir R. Ali, Mohamed A. Kamel “Novel techniques for optical sensor using single core multilayer structures for electric field detection”, SPIE Optics & Optoelectronics, April 24th -27th, Prague, Czech Republic, (2017).
Amir R. Ali “Micro-resonator-based electric field sensors with long duration of sensitivity”, SPIE Micro Technologies, May 8th -10th, Barcelona, Spain, (2017).
Amir R. Ali, Yasmin M. Massoud “Bio-optical sensor for brain activity measurement based on whispering gallery modes ”, SPIE Micro Technologies, May 8th -10th, Barcelona, Spain, (2017).
Amir R. Ali, Amr N. Afifi, Hazem Taha “Optical signal processing and tracking of whispering gallery modes in real time for sensing applications ”, SPIE Micro Technologies, May 8th -10th, Barcelona, Spain, (2017).
Amir R. Ali, Abanoub Erian, Kirelloss Shokry “Computational model and simulation for the whispering gallery modes inside micro-optical cavity”, SPIE Micro Technologies, May 8th -10th, Barcelona, Spain, (2017).
Year 2016
Amir R. Ali, Andrew Gatherer, Mariam S. Ibrahim, “Spinning optical resonator sensor for torsional vibrational applications measurements”, SPIE LASE International Society for Optics and Photonics, February, San-Francisco, United States (2016).
Amir R. Ali, Ahmed Abozead, “Effect of microbial layers on wall shear stress measurements for drinking water supply via photonic sensor”, Second International Conference on Solar Energy Solutions for Electricity and Water Supply in Rural Areas, October 12th -15th at the AUC, Cairo, Egypt (2016).
Amir R. Ali, “A novel approach for water treatment based on the opto-genetic technique”, Second International Conference on Solar Energy Solutions for Electricity and Water Supply in Rural Areas, October 12th -15th at the AUC, Cairo, Egypt (2016).
Amir R. Ali, Hazem Taha, and Amr Afifi “Real Time data tracking for concentrations measurement of drinking water constituents”, Second International Conference on Solar Energy Solutions for Electricity and Water Supply in Rural Areas, October 12th -15th at the AUC, Cairo, Egypt (2016).
The second main research topic we do in the ARAtronics Lab. is related to the the biomedical instrumentation and robotics research activities promote strong interdisciplinary collaboration between several branches of engineering and biomedical sciences. The research interests are centered on several foci:
Robotic orthoses, prostheses and rehabilitation devices for people with disabilities
Medical robotics, especially novel robotic applications in Minimally Invasive, Natural Orifice, and Image Guided and Haptic Assisted Surgery
in vivo and in vitro measurement of mechanical properties of biological tissue
These foci touch upon fundamentals in analytical dynamics, nonlinear control of mechanical systems, computer aided design and virtual prototyping, applied mathematics, data acquisition, signal processing, and high.
Keywords: Linear and nonlinear control of dynamics systems; Locomotion and Vibration; Perturbation methods and nonlinear dynamics; Haptic Interfaces; Composite control strategies; Robotics and flexible manipulators.

Biomedical Instrumentation, Robotics and Control
Our research focuses on the role of sensing and mechanical design in motor control, in both robots and humans. This work draws upon diverse disciplines, including biomechanics, systems analysis, and neurophysiology. The main approach is experimental, although analysis and simulation play important parts. In conjunction with industrial partners, we are developing applications of this research in biomedical instrumentation, teleoperated robots, and intelligent sensors.

Amir R. Ali
(Director & PI)

Imam Morgan

Khaled El Agha
(MSc Student)

Abdelrahman Mansour
(MSc Student)

Dalia Mahfouz (BSc Graduate' 18)

Mohamed Oraby
(BSc Graduate' 18)

Mahmoud Naser
(BSc Graduate' 18)

Mohamed Ibrahim
(BSc Graduate' 18)

Khalid Hamed
(BSc Graduate' 18)

Omar Elfarouk
(BSc Graduate' 18)

Mahmoud ElDeeb
(BSc Graduate' 18)

Ahmed ElShiekh
(BSc Graduate' 17)

Karim Elgendy
(BSc Graduate' 17)

Mohamed Emad
(BSc Graduate' 17)

Nour Ali
(BSc Graduate' 17)
Year 2017
Amir R. Ali , Emad Elia,“ Modeling and Control for Industrial PUMA Manipulator: (Flexible Links and Flexible Joints)”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2017)
Amir R. Ali , Mahmoud Eldeeb, “Gyro-sphere robot for navigation dangerous terrain”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2017)
Amir R. Ali , Omar El-Farouk,“A wearable haptic interface for grasping in virtual reality and in tel-surgery operations”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2017)
Amir R. Ali , Mohamed Abdelhamid, “Six DOF Stewart platform motion simulators”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2017)
Amir R. Ali , Khaled Elewa,“3D plotter based on dual-arm SCARA robot”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2017)
Amir R. Ali , Dalia Mahfouz, “Self-balancing stick- dual axis reaction wheel inverted pendulum and its application”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2017)
Amir R. Ali , Mohamed Oraby,“ Composite control for the Inertially Actuated Baton Locomotor”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2017)
Amir R. Ali , Mohamed Elkhouly,“Autonomous Rubik’s Cube Solving Robot”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2017)
Amir R. Ali , Mahmoud Nasser,“ Dynamic Wearable Glove for Parkinson’s Tremor Suppression”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2017)
Amir R. Ali , Karim Mostafa,“ Modeling and Control for Delta Robot”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2017)
Year 2016
Amir R. Ali , Ahmed Ibrahim ,“Locomotion study of a Robotic Exoskeleton for Gait Rehabilitation”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Asmaa Elsayed,“Vibration Control of Dynamic Magnetorheological Damper for Orthotic Tremor Suppression”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
The brain is complex, but extremely fascinating. We need more people interested in studying the brain because 20% of the world will have a neurological disorder... and there are no cures! To study the brain, you typically have to be a graduate student at a major university. Not any more! ARAtronics lab enables everyone to be a neuroscientist! We provide affordable neuroscience experiment kits for students of all ages to learn (hands-on) about electrophysiology. No Iw everyone from schoolchildren to grad students and every grade in between can experiment with similar tools used by real neuroscientists worldwide! By following a few simple steps, everyone can experience first-hand how the brain communicates with our senses, memories, hopes, and desires.
Keywords: Brain Computer Interface; Neuroscience and electrophysiology; Machine Learning; NeuroProsthetics and Activate the Sympathetic Nervous System

EEG-Based Brain Controlled Prosthetic Arm
EEG-based brain controlled prosthetic arm is a non-invasive technique that can serve as a powerful aid for severely disabled people in their daily life, especially to help them move their arm voluntarily. The low cost wireless BCI system could allow the disabled people to control their prosthetic arm to lead a self-reliant life with the help of their brain signals.

Amir R. Ali
(Director & PI)

Yasmin Mohamed
(PhD Student)

Abdelrahman Mansour
(MSc Student)

Abdel kreem
(MSc Graduate '18)

Yehia Samir
(BSc Graduate '18)

Sarah Elsafty
(BSc Graduate '18)

Hazem Taha
(BSc Graduate' 17)

Amr Nader
(MSc Graduate' 16)
Amir R. Ali , Sarah El-Safty,“ Development of non-invasive brain-machine interface to control robotic hand in reatl-time”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2017)
Amir R. Ali , Yehia Ibrahim, “Paralyzed human moves kuka robot with mind”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2017)
Year 2017
Year 2016
Amir R. Ali , Adham Elsafty , “Control of a Robotic Arm through EEG”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)
Amir R. Ali , Ahmad Montaser , “Artificial Muscle for Bionic Robot Arm”, B.Sc. thesis, German University in Cairo, spring (2016)